Layer poultry farm business plan
Layer poultry farm business plan

layer poultry farm business plan layer poultry farm business plan

About 100% of the respondents reported to keep different classes of chicken together, the practice of which facilitates transmission of diseases. Almost all the respondents reported poultry and poultry product market price fluctuation attributed to limitation in land holding, disease occurrence and low purchasing power of the consumers. The results obtained clearly showed that poultry diseases are widely spread in the Woreda and farmers pointed out that, Newcastle Disease, fowl cholera respiratory diseases and predators are responsible for the major losses of birds in the study sites. About 77.5% of all the respondents share family dwellings with poultry, attributed to the small flock size, low priority given to chicken and relatively high cost of poultry house construction.

layer poultry farm business plan

Finally, all the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. A total of 120 households were used for the survey work. Survey on rural chicken production system was conducted in three peasant associations of Haramaya Woreda of Oromia regional state to generate information on the problems and constraints emending the developments of their community with particular emphasis on poultry production and to list the possible opportunities and strategies that could solve these problems.

Layer poultry farm business plan